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Monday, November 4, 2013

Devil Clowns Among Us: Man in Clown Wig Attacks with Screwdriver

So it has come to this.  Those of us with claurophobia (fear of clowns) are justified by the news.  Those naysayers are seeing the evidence come in day in and day out.  First, there was the creepy clown standing around terrorizing England. Then there was the Mexican cartel hit-clown that even professional clowns couldn’t distance themselves from Next, there was the amateur clown who held his girlfriend’s kids over a train bridge to terrorize them.  

Now this:  A man in New York dressed in a rainbow clown wig has used a sharpened screwdriver to attack a guy on a subway platform.  That’s the news.  That’s the warning:
Clown on the left with sharpened screwdriver, ready to attack
You see someone in a clown get-up, either attack or get away.  Fight or flight. Don’t just stand there. Odds are he’s a hit-clown.  Even a half-assed, wig-only hit clown like the guy pictured here.  It’s enough.  It’s too much. 

Full story and picture: http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Clown-Wig-Assault-Bronx-230452741.html

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