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Monday, November 4, 2013

Man in SUV Purposefully Runs Cyclists Off Road, Injures One, Swings Bat at Rest

Ralph Clark, a 74 year-old Montgomery County, Texas man in a large SUV decided last week to run down a small group of peaceful cyclists and run them off the road.  This was not some thousand-strong group of Critical Mass cyclists taking over the streets of a major city and blowing through dozens of red lights and stop signs. 
Ralph Clark: Attacked Cyclists with SUV
According to the Montgomery County Police Reporter: This was a group of half a dozen cyclists , going single-file at about 25 miles per hour on a quiet road in north suburban Houston, when Clark pulled in front of them and started cussing them, telling them to get off his street.  He then pulled in front of them and slowed down to 15. One of the riders went to go past.  Clark, then drove let, running the cyclist off the road. Another cyclist then tried to go around the other side, when Clark slammed on his brakes, causing one of the cyclists to slam into the back of Clark’s truck. The cyclist fractured his wrist, dislocated his shoulder and injured his knee.

Clark, then got out of his truck with a bat and started a verbal altercation with another rider and started swing a bat at the rest of them.  One of the cyclists took out a cell phone and got video of Clark swinging his bat at the cyclists. Clark then got in his SUV and drove over a $5000 bike.

Fortunately he was arrested for criminal mischief.  A charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon (his SUV) is expected to go to the Grand Jury.

It’s totally unclear why this guy went so ballistic over a few peaceful cyclists.  The video doesn’t give any indication.  One of the cyclists said they have been riding in the subdivision for 15 years with no problems except for one several years ago, which was extremely minor.

Whatever it was, Clark totally lost it and could have killed someone.  He certainly tried to injure a cyclist, and succeeded at it.  It’s one thing not to see a cyclist. That’s why they ride in packs and wear bright colors.  Cyclists are extremely vulnerable on their bikes, with no protection beyond a small helmet.  A guy in a huge SUV, on the other hand, driving it like a battering ram, is truly wielding a deadly weapon. This was nothing less than aggravated assault.  Clark deserves jail time, not as an example to others, but for the simple crime he committed. He tried to injure or kill a group of innocent guys out for a ride.  He’s unhinged and needs to spend time behind bars.

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