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Monday, October 28, 2013

Clowns Move to Distance Themselves from Cartel Hit-Clown, Protect Sullied Image

Last week, it was reported that a clown hitman took out the head of the Tijuana Cartel at a resort in Cabo San Lucas. (See earlier coverage)  At the time, it was hard to determine whether to appreciate the hit-clown for his service, or to fear clowns all the more for their move from silent serial killers (coverage of John Wayne Gacy) to professional hit-clowns.
Thumbs-down for the hit-clown
Now, The Guardian reports that delegates to a three-day Latin American clown convention in Mexico City (dear Lord, help me), have attempted to distance themselves from the murder, by characterizing the hit-clown as just someone in “fancy dress, insisting no genuine member of their profession would have committed the crime.” 

Clown leader Tomas Morales, a 21-year veteran of the trade who goes by the stage name Payaso Llantom, said he was certain the killer was not a professional clown.  "The people who do that, they're not clowns. I can swear on my mother's grave it wasn't a clown," said Morales, whose costume includes frizzy blue hair and a tiny top hat. "We are not like that … we are non-violent."

They apparently haven’t heard of John Wayne Gacy, Pennywise, or the clown in England who was standing around terrorizing the populace (prior coverage) The fact remains that someone with a fuzzy wig, over-sized funny nose and pistol took out the head of an international drug cartel.  Sounds like a hit-clown to me.  

Maybe he wasn’t a professional clown.  Maybe he was a semi-pro.  He was a hit-clown nonetheless.

Full story and photo credit:  http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/24/mexico-clown-convention-drug-cartel-killing

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