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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Oklahoma City Man Completely Loses It: burns Bible, Destroys Apartment Due to High ‘Homosexual Demon’

In a story that once again makes us wonder at the efficacy of the Regan-era policy of shutting down the mental asylums and setting the mentally ill on the streets, an Oklahoma City man totally lost his sh*t. Jeremy Janall Anderson, 22, is being held at the Oklahoma County jail after a “violent episode” at his apartment complex.  Officers were called for a “person going ballistic.”  That’s a pretty accurate description.

Portrait of a man who completely lost his shi*t
Officers said the caller mentioned a man whose face was bloody had kicked a heavy apartment door off its hinges, poured salt and soap all over himself and was breaking glass and other objects.

When officers got to the apartment, they said they found Anderson, whose face and hands were covered in blood, screaming random things on the front porch.

Officers tried to calm Anderson down, but he threw glass objects and furniture at them through the windows.  They then tazed him, but he ripped the electrodes off and said he’d fist-fight them. 

Authorities used a sledge hammer to get into the house and found the walls and floor were covered in blood, bleach and other “substances.”

A small fire was burning near the stove which quickly filled the house with smoke.
Officers said they were finally able to subdue Anderson with tazers during a smoke-blinded scuffle inside the apartment; he was immediately taken to the hospital.

At the hospital, Anderson was finally chill and said that he was just remodeling the house, then admitted that he knew he needed to be on medication. 

It gets more bizarre:  The police report states Anderson said he started the fire in his apartment because he was “cooking the Bible” because he was a “Satanist.”

Anderson told officers he met a “possessed homosexual demon” who wanted drugs from him and performed sexual acts on him.

He said he “wasn’t gay, just high” and when he came to his senses, he couldn’t believe he let the male demon touch him.

Officers said Anderson said if he would have had a gun, he would have shot and killed his neighbors and then shot and killed officers when they arrived.

Thankfully, he didn’t have a gun.  And thankfully he’ll probably get some medication in jail.  Let’s think again about those policies about closing down the asylums and how easy it is for the mentally ill to get a gun.

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