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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Oklahoma Bigfoot Hunt Goes Wrong, Man Shot “Accidently;” Cops Not Buying It

A man in Catoosa, Oklahoma was shot in the back in the woods.  He was taken to the hospital. The guy who did the shooting said they were on a hunt for Bigfoot, the legendary Sasquatch.  The police didn’t believe it and arrested him.  I guess he thought it would sound better than saying they were on a snipe hunt.
Alleged Bigfoot Hunters

According to KFOR: Deputies talked to everyone involved a second time and they said it became clear there was no Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yeti or whatever you want to call it.

Rogers County Sheriff Scott Walton said, ”Any story that starts out that someone is on a hunt for Sasquatch, we probably have problems with you from the get go.”

As more of the truth came out, the sheriff said the discovered one of the men brought his wife.

“The man got spooked and shot the second man while a fourth person helped get rid of the gun in a nearby lake.”  It was a 9 mm pistol.  Omar Pineda is being held for reckless conduct with a firearm and obstructing an officer.  His wife is being charged with obstructing.  The fourth guy is being held for destroying evidence.

Apparently, the thought now is that they went on an unlicensed night hunt for something, not Bigfoot, without a license.  What got them was lying, and lying stupidly.

“A situation where probably no one would have went to jail if they would have just told the truth at first but as it unfolds, we had three booked into custody and one in the hospital,” Sheriff Walton said.

Admitting to being stupid will likely get you a small charge. Obstruction and lying to cover it up sometimes gets you real time.  Fortunately no one was killed.  Alcohol must have been involved, if they really were hunting. Maybe they got into a fight over the wife.  Who knows.   All we know is that it wasn’t about Bigfoot.  Your move Florida. Oklahoma is making a strong move to the front.


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