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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Houston Software Exec Pleads Guilty to Drugging, Raping Employees

The head of a Houston software company pleaded guilty last week to spiking the drinks of four female employees on business trips in order to sexually assault them. The women reported that they accompanied Henri Morris, 67, president of Solid Software Solutions, on business trips during which they recalled drinking with him, then waking up hours later nude and confused.  One woman reported that Morris was taking pictures of with a phone-camera when she woke up.

Morris pled guilty, with a prosecutor’s agreement to a one-year jail sentence, followed by lifetime under federal supervision.  Federal Judge Melinda Harmon cn reject the deal, and Morris can go to trial.  One of the victims is unhappy with the deal and hoped that Morris would serve more than a year.  I agree with her. One year is awfully light for multiple counts of drugging and raping women.

Outside the courthouse, where the plea agreement was read, one victim stated that “He may look like a perfectly normal person, but he is not,” she said outside the courtroom. “He is a monster.” 

She’s right.  He is.  And he ought to have the book thrown at him.

Full article, with link to court papers: http://blog.chron.com/narcoconfidential/2013/11/software-company-chief-admits-to-drugging-four-female-employees-for-sex-abuse/?cmpid=hpbn

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