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Monday, November 18, 2013

North Carolina Social Worker Arrested After HER Foster Child Found Handcuffed to Porch with Dead Chicken Tied to his Neck

The words to the title of this post should never be used in that order in the English language and make any sort of sense.  Unfortunately, they do.  According to WRAL.com, authorities arrested a Union County Department of Social Services worker, named Wanda Sue Larson, and a Monroe man Friday night after their 11-year old foster child was found handcuffed to the porch with a dead chicken tied around his neck.  A deputy was answering a call at the house next door when he saw the boy. 

Wanda Larson
Moments later, 57-year-old Dorian Lee Harper appeared on the porch along with another child who released several large dogs onto the officer.

When additional officers arrived, they removed five children from the home. 

Larson was not home at the time, but is believed to have been complicit in the mistreatment of the children. She and Harper had adopted four of the children and were fostering the boy found handcuffed to the porch.  All the kids are in the custody of another social services agency outside of Union County.

This woman was a supervisor with DSS, sworn by oath, and paid by the State, to take care of defenseless children.  She was, instead, severely abusing them, and likely being paid extra by the county and State to foster the child.  Usually before there is any adoption or fostering, there has to be a home-site investigation and background check.  Apparently, in Union County, either she did the paperwork without it being audited, or whomever did it either didn’t visit the home or was complicit in what was going on. I would be surprised if the State didn’t have a reckoning coming for the Union County DSS. 

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