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Friday, November 8, 2013

Husband Wins Bet on Bears/Packers Game, Pops Wife with Stun Gun, Gets Arrested for No Permit

In a story that reminds us that always put contracts in writing, a Bears fan made a bet with his wife on Monday night on the outcome of the Bears/Packers game. If the Bears won, he got to pop her with a stun gun he kept in the semi-trailer then call home, and which he used on the wife in the bar, during the game when it was obvious that the Packers were going to lose.  Now word on whether it was just after Rogers went down with the hurt shoulder. 
#1 Bears Fan
They are apparently long/haul truckers.  Even though they live together in a semi, which is about the smallest place outside Manhattan two people can call home, they texted the bet to each other. Winner gets to shock the loser.  Bears won, he popped her in the butt and thigh three times.

She took umbrage and called the cops.  Cops came and checked out the story and he produced the texts. Consent for the stun-gun pops was found, so the husband was not arrested on those charges.  So, in a marriage, it’s all cool for a little sports-betting S&M between spouses, even apparently when the safe word is used.  Safe word from the wife apparently being, “I didn’t think he’d do it.”

Husband lost out and got arrested anyway because he didn’t have a concealed weapon permit, which is apparently necessary in Wisconsin to have a stun gun in the cab of your truck.

So lesson learned is this: (1) if you are going to make a bet to stun-gun your spouse on the outcome of a football game, put it in writing; (2) don’t make a bet to stun-gun your spouse on the outcome of a football game, unless you’re sure –absolutely, positively sure - she’s into that sort of thing; (3) get a permit for a stun-gun in Wisconsin; (4) don’t make a bet to stun-gun your spouse if you live in a semi, you’re gonna be sitting next to her for the next couple of years.

For Bears fans, the way this rivalry’s been going the last decade or so, he probably just got over excited.

So, lesson number 5: if you’re a Bears fan, probably shouldn’t marry a Packers fan, because when the Bears knock your quarterback out of the game, your Packer fan might get butt-hurt and call the cops on you when you call in your bet, no matter what it is.

Full story: http://www.wiscnews.com/bdc/news/local/article_0c1853b0-84e4-5f07-92df-d415eaaff170.html

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