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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Florida Man Tries to Use Taco as ID; Establishes New Level of Drunk

There are many levels of drunk.  There is slightly buzzed.  Then a little tipsy. Then slurring. Then everyone is your friend.  Then everyone is your enemy.  Then there is sloppy drunk and surly drunk. 
Taco Drunk, hungry
Then, apparently in Florida, there is a new level of drunk which can be called “Taco Drunk” or more specifically, “Using a taco as ID drunk.”  Matthew Falkner reached this new level of drunk after he passed out in the drive-thru of a Taco Bell and his car caught fire.  This new level of drunk is apparently paired with hunger and his destination seems like a perfectly logical choice.

According to the Miami New Times: The incident occurred in the early morning of October 1 in Jensen Beach, according to the blog Off the Beat. Falkner, 30, had apparently decided to make a run for a fourth meal after downing some beers, and he somehow made it all the way to the fast-food joint in his Chevy pickup, placed his order, and received his taco before falling asleep.
The Taco Bell manager called police because Falkner passed out in the drive-thru line and was holding up the line. He was also holding his foot on the accelerator, though in his drunken stupor, he’d put his truck in park. So, instead of running into a building or someone, his engine caught fire. 

A deputy awoke Falkner and then asked for his ID. Falkner said no before reaching into his bag and presenting the officer with a taco. Another deputy clarified they were asking for an ID, not a taco. Falkner chuckled and began eating the taco.

Falkner’s blood alcohol content was about .225, which is pretty impressive, and will now be known as “taco drunk.”

Story and picture: http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2011/10/drunk_florida_man_tries_to_use.php

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