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Friday, November 15, 2013

Man Goes Insane Over Dog Noise, Shoots Whole Neighborhood of Dog Owners

Michael Guzzo went on a murderous rampage, fueled by insane agitation about dog barking in his townhome complex.  It didn’t happen overnight, though. Reportedly, he became increasingly unhinged, complaining for months about incessant dog barking coming from all the homes around him.  He put up fliers throughout his Phoenix townhome complex.

Then, police say, the 56-year-old went on a rampage, methodically killing four members of a family who lived next door, along with their two dogs. He then walked across a courtyard and tried to kill more neighbors with dogs before he went home and killed himself.
Memorial for Guzzo's Victims
The story by the AP (link here), goes through the rampage, showing Guzzo going from house to house, killing family members, then the dogs. Neighbors recalled that months before, Guzzo said, “Your dogs are barking, I’m here to live in peace.”

The rampage ended when Guzzo was faced with a homeowner who, when Guzzo blasted a hole through his door, went upstairs to get his own gun and yelled out the window before apparently getting ready to return fire protecting his family. Guzzo went home and shot himself.

The AP Story repeatedly questions his motive stating at one point: While Guzzo's motive died along with him, neighbors and family members of the victims say he was becoming increasingly bothered by dog noise.

Apparently, the AP doesn’t have much truck with homicidal insanity and a man who just lost it and found a reason to kill in dogs barking.  Michael Guzzo is dead.   He killed numerous innocent men, women and children (and dogs) in a bloody rampage which was without motive beyond his own insanity.

That a man who was so obviously unhinged had a gun and could keep it without any intervention from the authorities is perhaps the most unsettling thing of all.

Story and photo credit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/29/michael-guzzo-dogs-moore-family-shot-killed_n_4173727.html

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