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Monday, October 21, 2013

Devil Clowns Among Us: Clown Kills Cartel Kingpin in Cabo

It’s hard to say which I hate or fear worse, clowns or Cartel kingpins. Clowns are normally an existential threat.  There is a phobia for people like me, called Coulrophobia.  Coulrophobia just caused a town in England to remove circus posters after a complaint from a woman with coulrophobia.  (See here)  Some people find this ridiculous. Those people didn’t grow up in Chicago around the time of John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer who dressed as a clown and molested and killed small boys.  (See Wikipedia page) 

 Then there’s this joker in England who stirred emotions across the globe last month by dressing up as Pennywise, the terrifying clown from Stephen King’s It, and just staring at people. (Link to prior coverage) 

There are nice clowns, I’m sure.  I don’t know any.

Then there are drug cartel kingpins who likely expect a violent death, and deserve it.  They poison our society.  In the words of Steppenwolf, Goddamn the pushin’ man. Drug lords likely expect death at the hands of rival gangs and the authorities.  They likely don’t expect one at the hands of a clown, though.

Francisco Rafael Arellano Felix, a former leader of the Tijuana Cartel, which was prominent in the 1990s before it was weakened by a series of arrests and killing of its leading members, was the oldest brother of the family-run cartel.  He’d spent 15 years in prison (in Mexico and the US) for drug-related offenses after his arrest in Mexico in 1993.  He was set free and returned to Mexico in 2008 and was vacationing with his family in Los Cabos in Baja del Sur when a clown, with two accomplices (unknown whether they were jugglers or plainclothes) assassinated him.

It’s unknown whether the clown was associated with another cartel, or was some sort of vigilante justice.  More details may emerge.  Still, it’s another reason to fear clowns.  They generally appear friendly and full of laughs, until they’re killers. I really am trying to be funny and am failing.  It’s my Coulrophobia. I’m glad Arellano Felix is dead.  I hope he rots in hell.  The thought of clown hit-men, though, will give me worse nightmares than I’ve had in a long time.

Full coverage: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/gunman-clown-suit-kills-senior-mexican-drug-cartel-204217885.html

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