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Monday, November 25, 2013

All-Star Florida Traffic Stop: Mom Throws Toddler at Cop, Gets Tased by Cop Holding Baby

A night of drinking and driving went from bad to worse and insult was added to injury for Tamika Williams, of Orlando.  According to the Orlando Sentinel,  Williams was involved in a one-car wreck of her SUV into a tree.  That’s bad.  She got, then got back in and tried to drive away, but the SUV was wrecked.  She was apparently drunk and injured. And she had her baby in the car with her.  The not-awesome factor in that night started high. 
Tamika Williams: Toss baby, get tased
It got worse.  A neighbor who was awakened by the wreck called the police, who arrived quicky and saw Williams walking away with her baby.  When told to stop, she didn’t. When the officer got in front, she planned her getaway and tried to use her baby as a distraction, tossing the baby at the male officer and attacking the accompanying female officer.  The male officer caught the baby, and Williams attacked the female officer, punching her in the head.

The male officer, baby in hand, then tased Williams, laying her out.  She and the baby were taken to the hospital where Williams was arrested and the baby was placed in state custody.

That’s pretty pitiful and pretty drunk.  Get in one-car wreck.  Cops show up.  Think, clean getaway, throw baby and throw down.  Get tased.  Go to jail.  Not awesome-level goes way up.  Way, way up to all-star Floridian level.

Full story and picture credit: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/os-mother-child-neglect-crash-20131118,0,3291717.story

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