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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Georgia Waffle House Drunk: Sex in the Parking Lot With Cheeseburger Sandals

This morning we introduced you to a new form of drunk: Florida Taco Drunk; epitomized by passing out in a Taco Bell drive-thru and passing off a taco as ID.  Georgia would not take this lying down.  Like their recent victory in the annual Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party in Jacksonville, Georgia stepped up, or in the case, stood up, and did it in true Georgia Style: in a Waffle House parking lot.
Couple who got covered and smothered in Georgia
First the disclaimer: I love Waffle House.  I love a double waffle and side of hash browns, covered and smothered. If you don’t know exactly what that means, you need to get to your local Waffle House, get a cup of coffee, and double waffle and hash browns.  What you don’t need to do is defile the parking lot of that sacred space.

Rachel Gossett and Frank Lucas defiled that sacred space.  They were caught having sex in the Waffle House parking lot in Loganville, Georgia. While covered, smothered hash browns are their own form of aphrodisiac, many Waffle Houses are near motels.  The one in Arkadelphia is. The one in North Baton Rouge is attached to a Motel with a night club. Genius.  Either the one in Loganville isn’t, or these two thought the bench seat in a pickup was a better move.  Gossett and Lucas got it on in the parking lot.  Alcohol was involved.  Waffle House, or at least every one I have gone to, doesn’t serve alcohol, so they apparently brought their own.  Lucas blew a .154. Gossett a .216.  There wasn’t an indecency charge, because they were in a pickup truck in the back of the lot, but someone wasn’t cool with it and called the police. The 5-0 arrived, told the couple to put their clothes on and laid down the law.

 The police report has this crime/comedy gold: "When the female finally got dressed she attempted to put a cheeseburger on her foot as if it were a sandal," the officer wrote.

Florida came strong with a solo guy passing out in a Taco Bell drive thru.  Georgia came much stronger with a naked couple getting it in a Waffle House parking lot:  “Waffle House Getting It On Cheeseburger Drunk.” Your move Florida, or Oklahoma. Managers of Shoney's beware.

Full story and photo: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/07/sex-waffle-house-cheeseburger_n_4232896.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news

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