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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Human Trafficking in Houston: Honduran Man Escapes Captivity in SW Houston

A man in shackles and wearing only underwear told police he escaped from a southwest Houston home where he’d been held captive for almost a week.  The man who is about 30, and from Honduras, fled the house, where he said there were there others, like him, held against their will by an armed man in his late teens and a woman.

The Houston Chronicle reports that: The suspects told him he could not leave because his family still owed them money," said John Cannon, a Houston police spokesman.

The windows inside the house on Bexley were covered with plywood. Barriers were erected to prevent a breakout, police said

HPD questioned the man and tried to contact anone a the home where he was held prisoner. Eventualy the SWAT team and hostage negation officers were called in. A few hours later, the SWAT team entered and found an empty house. The trafficking ring had fled with the other prisoners.  HPD turned the case over to ICE.

This seems like the trafficking cartel’s normal MO.  South Americans pay passage to the US.  On the border, the price goes up or they are told to be drug mules.  If they refuse, or can’t pay the extra, they’re held captive in the US until their families in South America can pay, or are forced into prostitution or labor.  It’s fortunate this man escaped.  It’s unfortunate that the traffickers were able to flee with the other captives once they knew he was gone.

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