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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Credit Union Supervisor Spontaneously Admits to Embezzlement During Unrelated Robbery Investigation

Some white collar criminals have good deadpans. Some are so good they go years and embezzle hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars and think they have done nothing wrong. These are Snakes in Suits (plug for book I’m reading, it’s awesome). Then there is Crystal Ferriera, who has perhaps the worst deadpan in recorded criminal history.
Truth blurted out
According to the Providence, Rhode Island Journal, during an unrelated investigation into a robbery at Columbus Credit Union where she was a supervisor, Ferreira blurted out that she had embezzled more than $437,000 from a credit union branch office in East Providence beginning in May 2012 by taking sums from the vault, ATM and cash shipments. 

Remember, all defendants have the right to remain silent.  Most don’t have the ability.

Providencejournal.com reports: She revealed the embezzlement herself, at first with a cover story that two men forced her to do it by threatening her, her co-workers and their families. She later recanted that story, according to the authorities.

The back-story is funnier. In September 2012, a masked woman dropped a fake bomb at a branch office, demanded money and got away with $11,000.  The East Providence police caught her after her son told an investigator that “Mommy looked scary” in the mask.  I’m not making this up. Fake bomb bank robbery foiled by 3 year-old. 

As the investigators were working the bank, Ferreira heard the word “robbery” and decided to vomit the truth.  She faces up to 30 years in prison.

Neither the bank robber nor Ferreira were criminal masterminds.  Apparently Rhode Island police either look extremely intimidating and people just vomit up the truth, or Rhode Island criminals are just really bad at keeping secrets and deadpans.  Either way, CSI this was not.  

Full story credit and photo credit: http://www.providencejournal.com/breaking-news/content/20131017-credit-union-employee-admits-embezzling-more-than-437000.ece

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