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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pot Suppliers Try to Rob CA Pot Dispensary Owner, Cut off His Penis with Blowtorch; He Survives

In a crime that is equal parts sadistic and bumbling, four people are accused of torturing a California marijuana dispensary owner with a blowtorch to try to rob him of money they mistakenly thought he had hidden in the desert.  The victim is unnamed, so we’ll just call him the dispensary owner.  He was doing good business in California so took some of his suppliers on a trip to Vegas, apparently to thank them for their business and improve business relations.  It went really wrong from there.  One of the defendants was on the trip.  He told some friends that the dispensary owner was extremely wealthy, so they came up with a plan to rob him and tailed him for weeks.  The dispensary owner was looking at an investment out in desert, so he went there often.  The hoodlums, thinking like hoodlums, thought he was hiding money in the desert, instead of putting it in the bank. 
Robbed a man, cut off his junk with a blowtorch
So one night, four of them went to his house, bound and gagged the dispensary owner and his roommate’s girlfriend, stole come cash, and drove them out to the desert in a van.  On the way, they apparently tried to get the dispensary owner to tell them where he was hiding money in the desert.  When the dispensary owner told the he wasn’t hiding money in the desert (the truth), they tortured him with a blowtorch, cutting his penis with it.  They eventually cut it off with the torch.  Then they bleached it, trying to cover up any DNA evidence, and took his junk with them, apparently so no one could find it.  They left the girl, bound with zip ties, in the desert.  She ran and found police (who are apparently roaming the California desert for situations just like this).  The dispensary owner survived.

It took months to track the four down but the last one was arrested Friday in the Czech Republic. Hopefully they will get punishment befitting their crimes.  It would make an entertainingly bad movie.  It makes a horrific true crime for one man who had his junk cut off and bleached by four idiot hoodlums who think that legal business owners hide money in the desert.

Full story and photo credit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/09/marijuana-clinic-owner-penis-cut-off_n_4246008.html?ref=topbar

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