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Friday, November 29, 2013

Devils Slither Among Us: Drunk Floridians Beware, Python Eats Passed Out Guy in India

On this site, we have discussed the various states of drunk (Florida Taco ID Drunk, Georgia Waffle House Sex With Cheeseburger Sandal Drunk), and now there is a new one: Eaten by a Python Drunk.  A man in the picture below, according to a tweet, was drunk and laying beside a liquor store in Attapady, India when a python found him and ate him.  Lesson to be learned: do not get so drunk that you pass out in an area where you could be eaten. 

Snake, with drunk man inside
This could be difficult in most of Florida, where there are many things that could eat you, and many worthwhile places to drink.

We posted this week about the State of Florida’s decision to cancel the open python hunt in favor of professionals-only affair.  Perhaps it should be reconsidered.  Perhaps it’s time for all-out war if a man can’t enjoy tasty libations and not end up inside a snake.

There is at least one question about the picture that goes along with this story: why is the snake still alive in it? There are about seven sets of feet standing around staring at a snake with a dude inside, and at least one guy taking a picture.  No one had a machete?  I understand the guy inside is toast, but the snake must go.  The snake can't be let to sit there and simply digest.  That's not cool, Attapady, India.  If we're going to still be the dominant primordial species, when one of our own (albeit a weak member) goes down in a notorious manner, we need to take down the one who took him and not stand around staring at the snake. Seriously, the snake's too full to eat someone else right now.  Take him down Attapady.

Florida, be warned, Attapady is apparently unwilling to step up.  Your move.

Hat-tip to Matt Sawicki, faithful blog supporter, for the story.

Story and photo credit: http://sportsmasher.com/2013/11/27/python-eats-passed-out-drunk-guy-in-india/

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