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Friday, November 1, 2013

Blue Meth Bust in Oklahoma – Breaking Bad for Real

Last week in rural Canadian County, Oklahoma, Sheriff’s Deputies made a huge meth bust.  They were at a truck stop, chatting up the driver of a cross-country car hauler (a semi hauling other cars on a trailer on the back), and when the driver told them he was from Los Angeles and taking the load of cars to Missouri, got suspicious when one of the cars on the back was registered on Colorado.  They decided to search the cars and the driver’s semi, which he consented to.  Inside a secret compartment, they found bundles of blue-colored meth, each weighing 1.3 kilos, with a total alleged street value of $2.3 million.
Blue meth found in Oklahoma

Two things are interesting: (1) someone is making designer meth and apparently trying to market it on the popularity of the show; and (2) smugglers are using unsuspecting car-hauling semis to move the drugs around. It makes some sense from a trafficker’s point of view.  The best deadpan for a driver is one who doesn’t know that what he’s carrying is illegal.  On the downside, he might start chatting up deputies at a truck stop.

The semi-driver professed no knowledge of what he was hauling.  He also agreed to drive the cars to the final destination and let the cops follow.  When they got to Missouri, the police (and likely DEA) found “more meth, guns and a substantial amount of cash.”

According to the Daily Mail: 'It appears this was a long running operation involving the use of unsuspecting Semi drivers to transport the vehicles containing the narcotics cross country,' said Randall R. Edwards, Canadian County Sheriff. '

'The group was using sophisticated concealment methods to ensure the safe transit of the narcotics and seems to have utilized the small town of Monett due its rural location with a large immigrant population.'

Six individuals were booked into the Monett City Jail pending transfer to a Federal Detention Center to await trial on charges of Trafficking Narcotics, Conspiracy to Traffic Narcotics, Money Laundering and Weapons related charges.

An interesting question is whether this was especially pure meth and someone in LA was actually making really pure meth and using Breaking Bad as both a business model and advertising.  That much didn’t come out in the early reporting.  It will be interesting to see if it does.  Likely now police in rural areas will spend a little more time watching semis hauling used cars.

Full story and pictures: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2469736/Cops-bust-dealers-40lbs-BLUE-meth--just-like-Walter-Whites-famous-formula-Breaking-Bad.html#ixzz2iyKLmZEN

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