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Friday, November 22, 2013

Man-Card Down: 92-year old woman kicks burglar in face, he flees

In a story out of East Texas that starts out sounding pretty badass, then starts to sound pretty pitiful the more you delve into it, a 92-year old woman fought off a burglar by kicking him in the face.  That sounds badass.  It is pretty badass.  But she didn’t go all Bruce Lea on him and throw a high kick when they both squared off.  KHOU reports that the masked man broke into her bedroom and woke her up.  She was apparently sleeping and lying down and he demanded $20.  Sounds like meth.  She said she didn’t have $20 and didn’t know where her purse was.  He told her to get her shoes and got a hold of her leg.  That’s when she kicked out and kicked him in the face. 

It didn’t go all death match from there.  She had life alert – the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up button” seniors wear around their necks, which are actually very, very useful – and hit that, bring the police.  The dude knew the jig was up, and grabbed the pistol she kept near her bed and ran off with it.

She apparently forgot about it when he came in.  She’s gonna get another one.  Sounds like a bad idea.  She should probably get a hand-held taser which is less likely to misfire, or mis-aim and kill the neighbors if someone else breaks in.

And the robber:  you sir lost your man card in this fiasco.  You robbed an old lady.  Man-card lost right there.  Then you let her kick you in the face, and fled from life-alert.  Man-card never coming back.  Thank goodness she’s safe.  Hopefully she won’t get another gun.  Hopefully the folks at the gun shop or pawn shop will convince her that she’s better off with something that won’t kill the neighbors if she isn’t deadly accurate and strong enough to handle the kick.  It’s east Texas, so that’s doubtful.

Full story and video of feisty lady:  http://www.khou.com/news/texas-news/92-year-old-Texas-woman-fights-off-home-invader-232137831.html 

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