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Friday, November 8, 2013

North Dakota Man Breaks into Home, Cooks Bacon; Seems Justified

In what seems like a pretty victimless crime (save the cost of the bacon), a North Dakota man broke into a Bismarck home and cooked some bacon.  He also drank three beers.  Then he left and apparently did no further damage or took anything else.  

The woman apparently has no male relatives or boyfriend who could have been hungry and thirsty.  She also seems to be pretty pissed about losing a plate of bacon and some beer, which is somewhat justified, until you think, what man was hungry and thirsty enough to break into a home and only get a salty, tasty, meal.  And someone who took nothing else in the house and did no further damage. These can be hard times for many. Hard times calling for a tasty, fulfilling meal. 

There was no report on whether the bacon burglar cleaned up after himself, which would be the ultimate crime.  Though, according to KX news, that can be inferred.  She reported to police that she smelled bacon and could see that it had been cooked.  By what, a greasy skillet, or a washed down skillet. I properly washed down skillet (using salt, not soap on the wrought iron) would seem to be a mitigating factor.

Police could be on the lookout for a man who smells like bacon and beer, and is pleasantly full.

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