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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

HIV-Positive Florida Man Douses Girlfriend, Son, in Gasoline, Lights Apartment on Fire, Commits Unprotected Rape

Florida brings a new kind of crazy to seemingly every kind of altercation.  Florida forces us to reexamine animal nature (surfing rattlesnakes) and human nature.  Glen Davis is one of those people.  Florida police allege that Davis accused his girlfriend of cheating on him. Instead of walking out on her, starting an argument, or even normal domestic violence (which is not condoned here at all – but merely listed as somewhat normal criminal response to an situation which would make a normal person react either with jealousy or realize they weren’t the one and move on). 

Davis, however, went straight to a whole new level of crazy, which is sure to bring down prejudice and hatred not just on him but on those with HIV.  See, Davis is HIV-positivie.  And he used his status as a weapon. He also used gasoline.  Seriously.  He used gasoline.  Police allege that Davis doused his girlfriend, and her son, with gasoline, then forced her to have unprotected sex with him.  He used sex as a weapon, as well as gasoline, and apparently also scissors.

“He put the scissors to my throat and made me have sex with him,” the unidentified woman told Bay News 9. “He said, ‘You’re gonna die one way or another.’”

Davis was arrested Saturday and charged with criminal transmission of HIV, battery, false imprisonment, two counts of arson, two counts of aggravated battery and sexual assault.

Davis is not new to the criminal justice system or new to crazy.  Davis has been in and out of jail nine times, according to Bay News 9. He was released in January after a four-year sentence relating to an aggravated assault with a weapon charge.

Woman, why are you dating a man who was released from prison less than a year ago on an aggravated assault charge, and has been in and out of jail nine times, and subjecting your son to his form of crazy?  Not to blame the victim for the crime committed on her - seriously, I'm not - but how do you put your son in the situation to get doused on gasoline and threatened to be set on fire.  How low is your self-esteem that you put yourself in this situation? Just don’t date for a little while.  I sincerely doubt that the gasoline dousing HIV-rape was the first sign of crazy that came out of this man.  He'd been in and out of jail nine times, most recently for aggravated assault.  If you can't currently find a non-crazy, non-violent ex-con to date, don't date for a little while until you can find one.

Florida officials: Prosecute this man as hard as the law allows and throw away the key.  Dousing women and children with gasoline and threatening to burn them to death, then raping women, over jealousy, is some new form of evil.  To top it all off, people with HIV have a hard enough time having normal dating lives without this kind of insane people making things worse by using their disease as a weapon.  Davis is evil incarnate. 

Full story:  http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/crime/hiv-positive-glen-davis-douses-girlfriend-gasoline-forces-her-have-sex-florida#

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