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Friday, November 22, 2013

Report: African Warlord Joseph Kony May Be Willing to Turn Self In – Reportedly Very Sick

In some of the best news to come out of Central Africa in a long time, it was reported that Joseph Kony, the leader of the so-called Lords Resistance Army, which has terrorized Uganda for decades and utilized child soldiers who are kidnapped from their families, may be willing to give himself up to authorities in Central African Republic.
(AP Photo) Joseph Kony
ABC News reports that A government official says Kony has been located in the Central African Republic, which is now negotiating his surrender.

Kony has long been sought by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity for mass killings, child kidnapping (to build his army) and torture.  US Special Forces were sent by President Obama into Uganda and other parts of the region two years ago to hunt Kony down.  He is a special kind of evil and may be the devil incarnate.  If he comes in from the jungle and gives up the fight, it will begin the end of a horrible chapter in that part of the world and work on bringing the child soldiers back into society can begin. Hopefully the reports are right and he is coming in and is very sick and dies soon.  The world can do without him and his evil.

Earlier coverage on Lords Resistance Army and Kony:  http://www.un.org/events/tenstories/06/story.asp?storyID=100

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