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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mexican Self-Defense Force Tells Army: You Take Care of Cartel or We Will

In a not-idle threat laced with back-story, the leaders of a Mexican civil self-defense force (labeled a vigilante force, because it is not officially part of the state, in a part of Mexico where the State has failed), have told the Army that either the army takes care of the local cartel, called the Knights Templar, or the self-defense force will.
Mexican Self-Defense Forces
For now, the self-defense group is pulling back, because the Army has decided to face the Knights Templar.  It wasn’t always the case.  The Knights Templar are the remnants of La Familia Michoacán, in Michoacán state.  La Familia, and Michoacán state was the site of the first cartel drug war launched by former president Felipe Calderon and the cartel largely ran the State as a de facto government.  It was beaten back for a time and then regrouped when the Army moved north to take on the Zetas in Tamaulipas State along the Texas border, leaving the townspeople to fend for themselves.  Yes, it’s like a real-life version of El Mariachi.

The self-defense forces have been controlling towns, setting up road blocks, and running make-shift prisons in small towns in Michoacán for months now, setting up a war with the Knights Templar, and generally embarrassing the central government. (See story from January)

The AP reports that the self-defense forces made a daring march late last month into Apatzingan, an agricultural city that is the central stronghold of the pseudo-religious cartel that for years has dominated Michoacan, a state that sends a steady stream of avocados and migrants to the United States.

This follows on the heels of a march earlier last month by some self-defense forces, where the Army forced them to go unarmed, and they were fired on by the Knights Templar, and the Knights Templar shooting out rural power stations.  (See earlier coverage)

Apparently, the self-defense forces were fed up.  The Government got the message:  The government announced Monday that troops would patrol Lazaro Cardenas, which is the country's largest port in terms of cargo volume and which has seen a number of huge seizures of precursor chemicals used to make methamphetamines.

The AP reports: On Tuesday, Apatzingan was peaceful but tense, with residents on the streets and trucks filled with limes moving in and out of town. There were frequent roadblocks manned by the military in the city and checkpoints guarded by heavily armed self-defense groups in the rural areas outside town.

This story is worth watching more.  When government totally breaks down, as it has in Michoacán, the people will rise up on their own at some point.  The Army has some in to try to restore some order and avert a civil war between the citizens trying to form basically a new government and the cartel, which is the de facto government.  If the central state doesn’t do it, the citizens will, and when they do, all hell will break loose.

Full story: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/mexico-vigilante-groups-back-off-fight-cartel-20797373

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