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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Carnies Among Us: Man Carnie Accused of Biting Nose Off Man in Dance-Floor Attack

Todd Lyons, a carnival worker caught in Mississippi, was arrested and hauled back to Maine, where he pleaded not guilty for biting off the nose of a guy on a Lewiston dance floor a couple of years ago.  Police say that Todd Lyons came up to Ryan Zinninger in November 2011,while Zinninger was dancing, apparently by himself, and bit the tip of his nose clean off.  The bartender said the men had an earlier argument, but it was over and appeared to be a random act.
Lyons: Accused Carnie Nose Biter
According to the Sun Journal: A police report in court records said Zinninger was dancing with some people on the dance floor when a stranger “leaned into him and bit him on the face.” The stranger was later identified as Lyons.

Zinninger has sued both Lyons (good luck collecting money from an itinerant carnival worker) and the bar, which was owned by a dissolved corporation at the time.  The bar is accused of serving alcohol illegally to an obviously intoxicated man (Lyons), when it should have cut him off, and of not properly controlling the patrons.

That’s pretty messed up, if you’re Zinninger.  You’re dancing and a guy comes up and bites your nose off.  It required 12 stitches, and there’s no report, but hopefully, they were able to get it back on and he’s not forced to wear some sort of prosthetic nose the rest of his life. It’s this sort of situation that makes you wonder why more people in this country don’t utilize head butts when some aggressive person you don’t know leans in way too close to you.  The British and Australians are known to utilize head butts.  Maybe they have much more experience with nose biters.  Because, in close quarters like this, that’s all the defense you have against carnie attacks like this.

We reported a little while ago about the Tulsa police operating a sting on carine workers illegally doling out Hello Kitty dolls for bribes, not winning the game. (prior post here)  Perhaps Tulsa police were not over-reacting and were on to something.  Perhaps this was like former New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly’s zero-tolerance crime deterrence policies where you cut down on subway loitering and panhandling to let criminals know there’s no tolerance.  Tulsa was letting carnies know there was a zero-tolerance policy in their town for carnies so no one got their nose bitten off. 

Really, the lesson here is that if some belligernat drunk dude in a bar leans in way too fast while you’re dancing, properly utilize a head butt.  (instructions here) 

It’s a lot easier to apologize for that than to get your nose re-attached.

Full story and photo credit: http://www.sunjournal.com/news/lewiston-auburn/2013/11/13/man-denies-charge-stemming-nose-biting-incident/1451224

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