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Friday, November 15, 2013

Jive Turkey Goes Berserk, Attacks Dog, Police Take Him Down

A domesticated jive turkey went berserk in Box Elder County, Utah. It got out of its yard and went on a mini-rampage and attacked a dog, cutting it up before the dog’s owner tried to go after it with a stick to get it out of the yard. The belligerent bird wouldn’t go. It had a death wish.  Maybe it knew the season and knew the end was near.  Maybe it saw itself on the wrong (or oh so right) end of a smoker pit) and decided to go down fighting. 
Turkey gone Wild, attacking family dog
 Maybe it got into some Wild Turkey of its own.  Either way it was a menace that had to be taken down.

This wasn’t the first instance.  KSL.com reports:  Brady Davis said his family has had problems with the turkey for several weeks, but it reached a breaking point Sunday.

“One of my kids said, ‘Dad, the turkey's coming down the alley way.' And so we were just kind of doing our thing, watching it, and it just kept coming closer and closer," Davis said. "Eventually the dog saw it, got a little curious, went over there, and then the turkey started to go after the dog.”

The Man was called. The Man did his job.  A Box Elder County sheriff's deputy responded to the incident, "walked up to it, and … it looked like it was going to attack him too,” Amanda Davis said.

The deputy shot and killed the bird

Some of the neighbors thought this jive turkey was a harmless pet.  They were wrong.  According to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, it is very common for turkeys to become aggressive toward humans, especially if they're comfortable with them.

While most people called the turkey a pretty bird, Amanda Davis saw something else.
"They have big beaks and talons,” she said, “It was big. It was by far bigger than our dog."

The lesson we keep telling is this. Dogs are man’s best friend. Turkeys are not, neither are cows, and definitely not drunken feral hogs.  And don’t get me started on devil surfing rattlesnakes in Florida 
 They walk among us. They try to emulate us. They drink our beer and whiskey. They go berserk.  And then they have to be taken down.  Remember this when you make your thanksgiving feast.  Remember this when you drink your Wild Turkey.  Those turkeys are wild.

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