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Saturday, November 2, 2013

California Chainsaw Massacre Narrowly Averted, Dude Out on Bond

Halloween in Central California almost got really ugly in Auburn, California (not Alabama, which threw me and took a ton of good War Eagle and Roll Tide jokes).  Apparently there is a place called Stinky Mulligan’s Bar, where men don’t like getting touched in the chest by other men. 

That’s just what happened when Weston Cecil Burton, 31, touched a dude’s chest. The dude then slapped Burton in the face.  This fight, and the name of the bar sound like an awfully trifling affair.  Burton, faced with a slap-fight, escalated things quickly, and instead of slapping back harder, punching, or trying to throw down MMA style, went to his truck and grabbed a chainsaw and came back in with it running. 

CBS Sacramento interviewed a dude in a skeleton mask, who looks pretty badass, pictured in the article) until he got quoted, saying: “I thought I was funny when I read it in the newspaper, but when I thought about it, I don’t like that bar anymore,” he said.  CBS Sacramento apparently couldn’t find anyone in the bar to quote about the chainsaw incident so found some random dude in a mask to quote, who now won’t go back to Sinky Mulligan’s.  Nice journalism.

Back to the attempted chainsaw massacre.  Burton came back in with the chainsaw running, and not surprisingly, no one jumped in.  That is, until the thing stalled and he got jumped by everyone in the bar.  Burton then took off, but left his credit card and was tracked down.

CBS Sacramento reports that he posted bond and was released from the County Jail.  That’s apparently how crowded California’s prisons are.  We reported earlier on this, how violent and nonviolent inmates are being released due to overcrowding, and how the use of solitary due to overcrowding and violence led to massive hunger strikes  (see earlier coverage here).  But, seriously, you let out a guy who tried to massacre people with a chainsaw at a bar?  Seems awfully lenient.  What do you have to do in California to not get bond?

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