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Monday, September 30, 2013

Pantsless Oklahoma Burglar Breaks Into Home, Makes Milk and Cookies

In a sad story which says as much about the country’s mental health system as criminal law system, an Oklahoma City woman named Kelly got a surprise in her kitchen on a Friday morning.

Kelly said, “Somebody was standing there with that door open. Then I said,  ‘Who are you and what are you doing in my kitchen?’ She said, ‘My name’s Michelle and I’m just having cookies and milk.”

Kelly said, “I stayed right here and said, ‘Michelle, I need to know who else is in this house and I need to know how many people are with you.”

The woman said she’d been beaten up and was just there eating milk and cookies.

The woman’s pants were outside.  In addition to the milk and cookies, the woman got pesto and pepper jack cheese. She also had some cash and jewels.  The homeowner went to get her husband and his gun.  The burglar was gone but quickly found.

She faces charges of first-degree burglary and larceny.  Hopefully, she’ll get some help in jail, too.

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