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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Animal Control Officer Arrested with 800 Snakes in Illegal Breeding Shed

In a case that seems to beg the description of having clearly the right man for the right job who just really, really needed to get the proper permits, a Long Island, New York animal control officer was caught illegally raising and selling snakes from his garage that he converted into a breeding house.  (Full Story) 

Allegedly disabled snake dude
 The snakes included two six-foot Burmese pythons that can grow to over 30 feet long and are totally illegal to raise and sell.

Richard Parrinello, who worked for the Town of Brookhaven, was caught selling the snakes while collecting disability, which is just stupid. He had bragged online about having half a million dollars worth of snakes in his breeding house.  Officials confirmed this when they busted him and took all his snakes. 

Parinello, who clearly likes snakes, and has epic snake tattoos on his arms (see picture above), seems to have been in the right lines of work (breeding snakes) and animal control.  His snakes were in good health and he clearly isn’t afraid of dangerous animals.  If I’ve got a dangerous animal in my attic, that’s the guy I want to call. I just don’t want my neighbors breeding Burmese pythons in their garage.  Which is likely what his neighbors thought, too.

Parinello should have taken a cue from Dean Ripa, who owns a huge snake house in Wilmington, North Carolina, the Cape Fear Serpentarium,   which is totally legal, and works as a dangerous snake aficionado. Snakes freak me out.  Not Dean Ripa, and not Richard Parrinello, though Parrinello went about this in totally the wrong way.  He also shouldn’t have been taking illegal disability payments.

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