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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Idiot Florida Lawyers Cite “Bush Doctrine” for Client’s Pre-Emptive Barbecue Murder

Lawyers for a Florida man this week cited former President George W. Bush’s doctrine of preemptive attack, the “Bush Doctrine” as a supposed defense for their client who allegedly snuck up on his neighbors while they were having a barbecue and shot them.  (full story)

The lawyers cooked up the Bush Doctrine as a new defense, allowing William T. Woodward, pictured above, to preemptively attack his neighbors who had allegedly called him names and threatened to “get him.”

The lawyers also invoked Stand Your Ground, which allows gun owners to literally stand their ground in the face of imminent danger and not have to first attempt to retreat before using deadly force.  Woodward instead snuck up on his neighbors and shot them.  He claimed that the word “imminent” meant also some time in the future, which it legally doesn’t.

There’s no word yet on whether the lawyers have been sanctioned, though they should be.  Citing foreign war policy in a State criminal case is patently ridiculous.  While zealous representation of a client is allowed, making up law is not.

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