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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dennis Rodman: Greatest Rebounder, Potentially Worst Diplomat Ever

Dennis Rodman (a.k.a. The Worm) returned to Pyongyang, North Korea today to hang out with his friend Kim Jong Un, the dictator who had his ex-girlfriend executed last week, and keeps millions of his people and their families in concentration camp prisons.  (Full Story) 

Worm arriving in Korea: 

This is Rodman’s second, unauthorized visit to North Korea. The last time he went, Rodman played basketball with Mr. Kim, hung out with him, and came home offering to put the North Korean dictator in touch with President Obama.  President Obama told The Worm that he already had the North Korean’s phone number.  Rodman then went on the talk-show circuit espousing basketball diplomacy and saying what a good guy Kim is.  Kim then set off a fresh round of nuclear bombs, threatened South Korea and the US with nuclear war and shut down the only inter-Korean industrial complex.  So much for round one of Worm diplomacy.

Rodman is back.  No telling what he’s trying to do now.  Potentially it’s trying to free Kenneth Bae, an American Missionary jailed in a North Korean forced labor camp.  Rodman tweeted out to Kim to “do me a solid” and release Bae.  Bae hasn’t been released yet, but has been moved to a hospital as he is reportedly near death.  

Kim is a homicidal maniac, like his father and grandfather who runs a gulag state.  He's not an "awesome guy" as described by Rodman.

Maybe Rodman thinks he’s doing something good and he’s being of use.  The US Government doesn’t think so.  Maybe Rodman just wants publicity.  If so, it’s an extremely odd way to go about it.  Rodman has never been a normal guy.  He’s a hell of a rebounder.  I met him once in a bar in Chicago for a minute.  He’s was a hell of a nice guy.

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