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Monday, September 16, 2013

Spain Arrests Four Hells Angels for Smuggling Cocaine into Europe

In a sign that biker gangs have gone deeper into international drug smuggling, Spain arrested four Hells Angels for smuggling 500 kilos (half a ton) of cocaine into the country, with the aim of distributing it.  (Full article Houston Chronicle)  

The drugs were brought in on a yacht from Colombia by three Canadian Hells Angels.  They were met at the dock by a Hells Angel from San Diego, who had been under investigation for drug smuggling by the Royal Candian Mounted Police. A few other men, of unknown nationality were arrested who were suspected of being in charge of distributing it in the country.

The Hells Angels have a long history of drug smuggling, trafficking and dealing throughout Canada. They got their start in Quebec and fanned out across the country, linking up with Hells Angels in Western Canada who colonized local biker gangs.  See interesting blog Gangsters Out, and a great article in Mental Floss on How the Hells Angels Conquered Canada 

Most drug smuggling in Europe is controlled by the Italian mafia, and goes through Africa.

Last year, there was a very interesting article in Fox News Latino http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/06/21/mexico-drug-cartels-supply-italian-mafia-with-cocaine-for-europe/

regarding how the Sicialian Mafia and the Calabrian Mafia (called the ‘Nhdrangheta) had each teamed up with the Mexican Cartels to supply cocaine to Europe.  Both those organizations have been under pressure at home.  Recently, Roberto Pannuzi, described as Europe’s most waned drug trafficker, and Italy’s answer to Pablo Escobar was put in an jail after being arrested and extradited from Columbia.  He was captured in early July 2013 and allegedly supplied both the ‘Ndrangheta and the smuggling combination of the Sicilian Mafia/Zetas Mexican Cartel. (Full story)

Either way, he Hells Angels saw an opportunity to compete and gain a toe hold.   The DEA and RCMP apparently saw this one coming.  Wonder what they didn’t see that had already gotten through, or that is already set up and operating.

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