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Monday, September 23, 2013

Creepy, Silent Clown Stands and Stares in England, Would Get Punched Here

On Friday, September 13, a very weird man appeared in Northampton, England, dressed as Pennywise, the clown from Stephen King’s terrifying book It, holding balloons, waving at passersby, and staying silent. He doesn’t give out the balloons.  He doesn’t approach anyone. He just stares and has gotten a ton of worldwide attention. See Original Article in Telegraph.,   and Huff Post.

Northamption Clown

According to reports in the Northampton Herald and Post, the clown has a Facebook page where he says he just wants to be loved but has exhibited extremely strange behavior:

“The newspaper also reports that the clown knocked on someone's door and offered to paint their window sills despite having no painting equipment. She reported the men to police for their suspicious behaviour stating they looked like clowns. The article stated: “A number of sightings of people dressed as clowns have also been reported across Northampton in recent weeks”.

The newspaper reported: "He doesn't juggle. He doesn't twist balloons into animal shapes. He just stares."

The police have not arrested any clowns or dealt with any crimes involving anyone dressed as a clown. The Facebook backlash has been harsh, with the vast majority of people exhibiting either dislike or outright coulrophobia (fear of clowns a.k.a normal behavior).

At least one ridiculous person has dressed up in a superhero outfit and said he will track down the clown. (Full Story, with picture of ridiculous dude)  

Ridiculous superhero dude
 The clown has promised a “big surprise.” 

I don’t live in England and generally don’t condone violence, but this clown has a punch to the face coming.  Seriously, don’t dress up like a terrifying character in makeup, carry balloons and stare at people. This either shows serious mental illness or general bullying tendencies. The only reason to do this is to scare people, which is essentially bullying behavior.  The way to deal with bullying is to stand up the bully.  Not in a ridiculous superhero outfit, but outright. If the clown is mentally ill, he needs help. If he’s just being an asshole, he needs to get punched in the face.

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