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Monday, September 9, 2013

That’s a Party: 5 Cops Attacked During Drunken Brawl at Baptism After-Party

A baptism party in Seattle turned ugly as guests got obscenely drunk and started to brawl.  Police were called to break up the brawl at South Park Community Center.

Arriving at the scene, officers found that "abundant alcohol" was being served inside, and several of the celebrants had begun fighting, Witt said.

But when officers tried to break up the fighting, they were attacked by the crowd. The officers called for urgent backup, and a city-wide call went out for assistance.

King County sheriff's deputies also responded and helped break up the melee. Five officers were assaulted during the mayhem, and two of them received minor injuries.

The community center was evacuated, and the crowd was dispersed. Two suspects were arrested and booked into the King County Jail for investigation of assault, Witt said.

 (Photo not this baptism) 

Who else has that kind of story about their baptism? Not me.  Not my pastors.  Share your stories in the comments.

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