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Friday, September 27, 2013

YOLO: Connecticut “Activist” Faces New Charges of Promoting Prostitution, to go with Prior Charges of Damn Near Everything

Henry Prince, a convicted murderer, turned preacher, turned pimp, is facing new charges of promoting prostitution.  Let that sink in for a second now.  A man was convicted of committing murder.  Then he allegedly (or maybe really) found God and became a preacher.  Then he clearly lost God and found the devil and became a pimp.  He’s now, at age 63, facing charges of promoting prostitution.  I thought Connecticut was just home to Yale and hedge funds.  I was clearly wrong.  

Sad because he got caught

He started taking drugs at age 10 and was soon an addict and criminal. He dropped out of school at such a young age that his only graduation was from juvenile detention to adult jails. By age 32, he had 14 felony convictions. He hit bottom when he killed a fellow dope dealer in 1982. He went to trial in 1984, and was sentenced to 40 years.

He appeared to transform his life in prison after getting off drugs. He got a high school diploma, then a two-year college degree. He started a cultural affairs program, a family program and a closed-circuit news program in prison. He also directed the prison choir.

In 1991, he went on work release and became a drug and alcohol counselor. He served as director of the state's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission while still incarcerated at the old Morgan Street jail in Hartford.

Price's apparent turnaround was so impressive that, in 1994, the state Board of Pardons and Paroles commuted his sentence.

After he left prison, Price twice ran unsuccessfully for the Hartford City Council, worked as a program manager for the family reunification program of Community Partners in Action in Hartford, and also counseled ex-offenders and helped them get into drug treatment.

In reality, prosecutors would later say, Price pressed women he met through his work as prison counselor into working for him as prostitutes.

So, to sum up, by age 32, he had 14 felony convictions and murdered a fellow drug dealer.  He went to prison and worked his way up to directing the church choir.  He got paroled and ran the “family reunification program” as a prostitution breeding ground.  What a P.O.S. 

Back, in the early 2000s he had enough stones to accuse the police of framing him.  Then in 2002, he begged forgiveness and mercy, saying deep down he was a good person, invoking the name of Jesus.  He served six years.  But when he got out of prison, he preyed on drug addicted women and turned them out. 

Let’s hope judges quit believing his lies.

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