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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Devil Swine Among Us (2): Atlanta Readers, Hide Your Beer, Feral Hogs Have Come

The AP reported that a group if feral hogs has invaded suburban Atlanta.  Residents are scared:

“My children are petrified,” Taneisha Danner told WSB-TV.  “I have little ones that get on the bus at 6:40 in the morning,” she added. “So, I’m sorry. I’m not built to fight off wildlife.”
Feral hog, invading like Sherman

The authority, who has the best name ever for an animal control agent (Charlie Killmaster – seriously, the man is named Killmaster), officially a “deer and feral hog biologist with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources,” has issued warnings, though perhaps the wrong ones:

“The hogs can be dangerous if they are cornered, said Charlie Killmaster…“If they feel threatened, they can become aggressive, they can bite,” he said.

Killmaster is not advising that any feral hogs actually be killed, defying his name and frankly his destiny.  Charlie  should officially change his name to Charlie Trap-and-Release-Master. 

Charlie so-called Killmaster also failed to mention that the hogs can become aggressive if they become drunk, and that feral pigs like beer.  As reported earlier on this blog, feral hogs in Australia broke into a campsite, drank all the beer, ransacked the place and attacked cows.

This blog is advising folks in Atlanta to keep their beer properly stowed. God help us if they find the whiskey.

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