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Friday, December 13, 2013

Man Demands Insanely Good Tacos, Ninja-Style, Fails, Hopefully Gets Them in Jail

Tacos can be insanely good.  We’re not talking about Taco Bell tacos, which are good (don’t get me wrong, and don’t sue me, Taco Bell, I’m not defaming your delicious Doritos Locos Taco ™), but are not insanely good.  They are good enough to get drunk over and offer as I.D, at least in Florida (see prior coverage of new level of Florida taco drunk).  

Probably not the sword that was used, but probably close
Now, Torchy’s Tacos which has made an appearance in Houston and already had to sue an imposter in Baytown who we refuse to name and give publicity (see link)is insanely good.  I have been known to go damn-near insane, eating five or six tacos at Community Bar on Smith Street in Houston on a Wednesday night (yum, brisket taco, I love you). 

But, in San Antonio, there is apparently a taco so good that a man will go all Ninja, or faux-Samuri and demand the taco when he has no means to pay for its sweet, savory, crunch deliciousness.  KBXT reports  that Adam Kramer, a 28 year-old taco lover ordered several tacos at an unnamed taco restaurant (why won’t you name the restaurant, KBXT – are you afraid we’ll all go insane over their tacos), and refused to pay.  He didn’t get haughty and say, no thanks, or do a dine and dash (perhaps he knew that running on a full stomach of fiery deliciousness would be a bad idea and even fart-filtering underwear would not save him.   
Not the tacos at issue, but these look really tasty

No, Adam Kramer slowy pulled a sword out of a scabbard and said he wasn’t gonna pay for his sweet, savory deliciousness.  No one was hurt.  No one got tacos either.  Apparently, the restaurant staff convinced him to leave sans-tacos (which is surprising).  Perhaps they told him there were the world’s best tacos a mere 3 hours to the east at Torchy’s.  Either way, Kramer was seen yelling that he either got free tacos or somebody would die.  He drove away. He was arrested the next day and is now in jail.

He is in jail in San Antonio.  Perhaps they have tacos the Bexar County lockup and the problem is solved. 

We jest.  Mental illness is sad. Attempting to steal tacos with a sword is not sad, it’s scary.  And it’s crazy. Hopefully Kramer gets mental health assistance in jail. And some tacos for lunch wherever he gets that help.

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