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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Most Florida Crime Ever: Man Tries to Trade Live Alligator for 12-pack of Beer

Fernando Aguilera was cited after he tried to trade a live, four-foot alligator for a 12-pack of beer at a Miami convenience store.  Seems like a fair trade, if they had some need for a gator and some place to keep it.  And if he had legal title to the gator, which he apparently did not. 

He was charged for illegally capturing the gator. A Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission spokesman said, "I have never experienced anything like this in 25 years in law enforcement," Pino said.  If Pino has been in Florida for 25 years, I find that hard to believe.  I would be willing to bet that Pino spent some significant portion of his career in some other State because this seems like something that would seem perfectly normal in Florida.

Not traded gator, probably its mother
According to NBC Miami, Aguilera reportedly demanded money, and when he did not get it, he shouted obscenities and lunged at a WSVN photographer, video showed, and broke his camera. Miami Police were called to the scene, and a report was filed against Aguilera, according to WSVN.

Aguilera had no comment for the media. 

According to Pino, Aguilera found the gator at a nearby park, trapped it and brought it to the store. He approached the clerk with the trade proposal, but the clerk called authorities.

"This is absolutely bizarre. I can't imagine somebody wanting to barter a live, 4-foot alligator for a 12-pack of beer. It makes no sense to me," Pino said.

Pino has apparently never been drunk, still thirsty, and nearby a park that has live gators for the taking. If he had been all of those three, then it might make sense to him.  It makes sense to me.

Video of the episode here:  http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/Man-Tried-to-Trade-Live-Alligator-for-Beer-at-Miami-Store-FWC-236193001.html

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