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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Florida Bears Now Going for Swims in People’s Pools, Florida Bears Out of Hand

Florida, this has gotten out of hand. First you had a bear that went to a child’s birthday party, hung out in a tree, and then got hit with a tranquilizer dart in front of the children, ruining any cute bear fantasies the children might have had (that was actually a good result to an otherwise bad day). (prior coverage here)  Then you had a rash of bears attacking joggers with little, pitiful dogs that didn’t give any resistance.  (prior coverage here). 

Black Bear, lounging after a swim
Now you have bears going for swims in people’s backyards.  The Collier County Reporter  states that two black bears broke into a Naples woman’s backyard, swam in the pool, and tried to get in the house.  She called 911, but they apparently didn’t come.  The bears hung around in the pool for an hour before running away.

Seriously Florida, your bears aren’t looking for picnic baskets. They are hanging out in your backyards, using your pool and before long, will probably be breaking into your outdoor refrigerators and stealing your beer if they don’t break into the house first.  If they are like feral hogs, they will then go wild and attack everything in sight before being hung over in the corner.  A five hundred pound black bear is just as scary as a 300 pound feral hog.  And a bear can climb a tree.

Florida, you have bears on the protected species list.  The ghost of Charlton Heston must be out of his mind right now.  They are supposed to be confined to state or national parks, but clearly are leaving the parks and lives in trees, hunting for grubs for hanging out in cities with swimming pools and tasty birthday cake.  It’s time to bring back a limited hunt.  If not, before long, bears are going to be stopping traffic, breaking into cars, and generally taking over. With your python problem, and your Taco-Bell drunk ID problem, this might not be such a bad thing.  It would certainly be more entertaining for the rest of us.

Full story with video: http://www.nbc-2.com/story/24217053/bears-go-for-a-swim-in-north-naples-pool#.UrGjHeJ5PSi

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