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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Former Accused Half-Ton Killer (exonerated) Asks for Sister’s Other Kids

A Hidalgo County (far South Texas) woman who used to weigh 1000 pounds and was dubbed “the half-ton killer” and accused of killing her 2 year-old  by rolling onto him has asked for custody of her sister’s other kids.

Mayra Rosales received a lot of attention, and scorn, when she was arrested in 2008 and couldn’t be transported to or held at the jail due to her size and ailments related to her size.  Investigators determined that she wasn’t physically capable of committing the crime against the nephew and her sister was charged and convicted of beating her own son to death.

That’s incredibly low.  The sister beat her own son to death, then blamed her morbidly obese sister for the crime.  Mayra Rosales has now lost about 800 pounds and wants to raise her sister’s other children.  Good for her.  It’s wonderful she lost so much weight and got her life together and can now take care of the children.  Hopefully she can, and the authorities can keep her sister away from the other children.

Full story: http://www.khou.com/news/Woman-once-dubbed-half-ton-killer-fighting-for-custody-of-sisters-children--234313321.html

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