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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fart-Filtering Underwear: When the Devil Inside You Has to Get Out

God save the Queen, and God love the English.  A British line of fart-filtering underwear exists and is making big sales in the US.  This is not a joke.  This actually exists, and is on the market.  So, when the devil inside you has got to get out and you are around someone who insists that it stay in, they’ve got you covered. 
Shreddies: Like a Brita for your butt
They’re called Shreddies, and they’re genius.

Not surprisingly, "Americans are making up the majority of our sales at the moment," Shreddies spokeswoman Ianthe Betts-Clarke told The Huffington Post.

Of course Americans are the majority of sales. We are the land of chili con carne and the fried Twinkie.  We are also the land of polite company and wives who don’t handle gas passing well. 

Shreddies weaves a carbon cloth called Zorflex into its rear panel. Betts-Clarke says it can squash the smell of "200 times the average flatulence emission." (Shreddies apparently hasn't met my Aunt Edna.)

In 2008, the company began to serve customers with digestive-tract woes but branched out. "It's a product for everybody, because everyone farts," Betts-Clarke explained.

Men's boxer briefs cost between $39 and $45, while women's panties are about $31 to $34.

Genius, pure British genius. The carbon filter is like a Brita for your butt.  This will save marriages.  This may make some marriages happen in the first place.  Any man who goes to a chili cook-off without these is committing negligence.  Have no shame in your game.  Filter the devil out of you.

Story and photo credit: Huffington Post  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/24/fart-filtering-underwear_n_4156400.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular

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