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Friday, December 27, 2013

North of the Artic Circle: Drunk Alaska Cop Repeatedly Sexts 12 year-old Girl

Leon Outwater, a 22 year-old village police officer in the tiny town of Kobuk, Alaska, has been arrested for sending at least 20 text messages to a 12 year-old girl in town soliciting sex.  His excuse is that he was drunk. Shrewd defense.  He was apparently on the job for a month.  Shrewd hire Kobuk.

This all went down on November 16 and 17, and the girl’s mother got suspicious over the texts on the phone she had given the girl. The mother wisely called police in the larger village area to report the town cop.  He got wind of it and deleted the messages, leading to an evidence tampering charge.  More shrewd behavior by Outwater.

At least there is no evidence he had any actual physical contact with the girl.

Since he has been charged, it is unclear whether Outwater has been fired or suspended from his job. In a town of 140 people north of the Arctic Circle, it may be hard to find police officers, but it has to be easier than this.

Full story: http://www.adn.com/2013/12/20/3239912/troopers-kobuk-police-officer.html

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