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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Florida - Jealous of Toronto – Steps Up with Mayor Arrested for Using and Dealing Drugs

Florida, perhaps jealous of all the press Toronto has been getting lately, and perhaps worried about its title going north of the border, stepped up last week. Hampton, Florida mayor Barry Moore was arrested for possessing and selling Oxycodone.  That’s right. Toronto can have a mayor who was caught on tape and admitted smoking crack, and blaming it on a drunken stupor (see one part of tons of prior coverage here)

Mayor Barry Moore, accused of dealing oxycodone
Florida stepped up with a mayor who was arrested for not only using, but also dealing.

According to WPTV, The Sheriff  stated that Bradford County isn’t Toronto.  Take that Canada. 

Authorities say Moore faces charges of possessing and selling Oxycodone.

Smith said in a prepared statement: "We will not tolerate illegal drug activity in my jurisdiction by anyone to include our elected officials."

The Florida Times-Union reports that Moore was being held on $45,000 bail. It wasn't clear if he had an attorney.

Your move Oklahoma.

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