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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Three Tucson, Arizona Girls Escape Years-Long Captivity in Their Home

Three sisters, aged 12, 13 and 17 escaped captivity in their Tucson, Arizona home last week, ending every child’s nightmare.  The girls were held captive in separate rooms in a home for years, fed once per day, and not allowed to bathe or see each other.  Their step-father and mother are charged with kidnapping, abuse, and the step-father, with sexual abuse. Echoing the Ariel Castro crimes, neighbors said they had no idea any children lived next door.

The younger girls escaped to the neighbors’ house and called police who immediately investigated, found the 17year-old and arrested the parents.

Little else is known in the story now, aside from how horrific it was. 

Link to story and pictures of the residence: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/girls-freed-tucson-az-home-years-held-captive-cops-article-1.1530540

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