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Monday, December 2, 2013

San Antonio Restaurant Steals Wages From 60 Undocumented Workers, Including Own Relatives

Yolanda Henandez de Arteaga, a restaurant in a la Vernia, outside San Antonio has been charged in federal court with wire fraud for stealing the wages of sixty undocumented restaurant workers, including a dozen of her own family members, by promising them official immigration paperwork.  In all, she got $89,600 from the workers.

That’s pretty low.  Apparently she thought they wouldn’t complain to authorities because they’re undocumented.  She was wrong.  The FBI found corroborating records at Western Union and Money Gram and her own restaurant verified the workers’ claims, with a ledgerof the names of he victims, the amounts they owed, and the birth certificates and travel documents of the victims.

Stealing from the weak is low. Stealing from your family is lower. Running an elaborate hoax on the promise of a better life your own poor, hardworking, undocumented workers by stealing their paychecks is close to modern day peonage. 

She’s facing 30 years in prison for wire fraud.  I hope she gets all of it.

Story credit www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Restaurant-owner-accused-of-duping-employees-out-5017972.php

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