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Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas in Chicago: Teen Kills, Beheads and Butchers Housemate

While Christmas in Akron, Ohio involved a potentially justifiable chest-stabbing to defend home-apple fritter making (see story on this blog earlier today), things in Chicago got a lot more macabre.  The Chicago Tribune reports that Alex Valdez, an 18 year-old who was asked to move out of the Northwest Side apartment he shared with his aunt and her boyfriend killed the older man with a hammer and then cut off the man’s head, ears and nose and then left them on his aunt’s bed as a “present.”  Not a merry Christmas in that household.  Police arrested Valdez after he got tired from all the murdering and dismembering and called 911 to report there was a dead body in the apartment (and apparently didn’t think the police would put two and two together and link up his blood-covered clothes and the report and arrest him).  Or maybe not.  The Tribune reports that When the 911 dispatcher asked Valdez if he had performed CPR, the young man laughed and said Diaz-Hernandez had been decapitated, [Assistant DA] Sawyers said.

Valdez had moved in with the understanding that he would help pay bills while he went to school and worked.  He did work but didn’t pay bills, which led to “ongoing tension.” 

The Tribune article gives the full blow-by-blow, but it comes down to this:  Valdez had been drinking.  He and the aunt’s boyfriend went for beer on Christmas eve while the aunt was at a party.  No beer was to be found.  When the two guys got home, Valdez attacked the aunt’s boyfriend and started in with a hammer attack and the butchery.  After calling police, he waited patiently on the porch for them to arrive, confessed and broke his Ipad. 

He’s being held without bail, which isn’t shocking.  He’s likely going for a psych evaluation because beer-addled drunkenness doesn’t cause this kind of abject homicidal butchery.  

Chicago has been getting an awfully bad rap this year for its murder rate and seemingly rampant hooliganism, caused, many believe, by ongoing cuts to the police budget that has left the force understaffed by years of attrition and hiring freezes. On pure, one-off mayhem like this and like John Wayne Gacy, though, Chicago continues in a league of its own, which can’t be explained by police force cuts.  Alex Valdez has stepped into Chicago’s infamous criminal folklore with this crime and its shocking depravity.  At least he’s locked up.  Whatever your beliefs on Illinois ceasing the death penalty, this kid will likely get a de-facto death penalty of life in prison because the cold-blooded nature of his post-murder actions speak to senseless depravity which has no place in society.

Full story and video statement from DA: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-police-teen-in-custody-after-man-found-decapitated-in-northwest-side-apartment-20131225,0,5049990.story

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