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Monday, December 23, 2013

Dennis Rodman Returns to North Korea to Play Basketball With the Devil: Stay there Dennis

Dennis Rodman (aka The Worm) is one of the greatest rebounders ever.  He is one of the worst diplomats ever.  He is now on his third trip to North Korea in a year to visit with, party with, and hang out with his “friend” Kim Jong Un, the homicidal maniac dictator of North Korea who continues his family’s fifty-year enslavement of the entire country.  (see story).  

Rodman arriving in North Korea for Trip 2
His first two trips were a failure and brought him no amount of ridicule, including here.  

The novelty of the trips and people’s willingness to treat Rodman as an idiosyncratic fool seem to be wearing thin. Last week in the Washington Post, the only man to ever be born in a North Korean concentration camp and escape it, wrote an open letter to the Worm, trying to educate him on the horrors of the camps.  The letter by Shin Dong-hyuk  should be read. Mr. Shin describes how he was imprisoned from birth for the crime of being born to a father who’s brother escaped to South Korea in 1950.  Because the family was considered traitorous, all members of the family were imprisoned and worked to death.  Mr. Shin describes how his mother was executed in front of him. He describes how prisoners are forced to procreate and produce additional slaves for the work-camps.  All while Rodman’s friend and reported “bestie” party and drink champagne at lavish parties.

Rodman took to the talk-show circuit after his first trip and second trip and was given air time and apparently didn’t realize the hosts were trying to educate him, or trying to ridicule him for his ignorance and the harm he was doing.

Rodman was born free.  He was free to make a living playing basketball and allowed to be as idiosyncratic as he wanted.  He is also free to travel into and out of North Korea.  Something North Koreans are not allowed to do.  Rodman is now on his third trip in a year to see the devil and play basketball with him.  Perhaps Rodman should stay.

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