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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

PA Couple Kill Guy She Picked Up With Craigslist Hooker Ad

A month or so ago, we reported on a case in Indianapolis in which a man showed up for in internet date with someone he thought was a woman, and got shot by a dude instead.  
We said then that most men’s biggest fear of online dating was showing for a date with a woman and it being a dude.  The second worst fear was getting killed. 

Elyett Barbour - Craigslist Thrill Killer
Once again, a guy showed up for an internet date, a dude showed up and he got killed.  This time, it started off with a woman offering “delightful conversation” on Craigslist for $850.  Really delightful. It ended with the john in a shallow grave.

CNN reports that 18 year-old Miranda Barbour placed an ad in Craigslist because she and her husband of three weeks, Elyett Barbour of rural Pennsylvania, wanted to kill someone.  Troy La Ferrara answered the Craigslist ad.  He got picked up in the car by Miranda, with Elytte (the husband) lying in wait in the backseat under a blanket.  When LaFerrara (who was married) put his hand on Barbour’s leg, she took out a knife hidden between the sheets and stabbed him numerous times.  Then her husband got out from under the blanket and tied a cable card around his head and they stabbed him twenty more times before burying him and cleaning up the car

When they were done, they went to a strip club.  Classy.

Then there’s this.  Miranda Barbour also has a one year-old daughter whose father is dead.  Police are reopening the investigation into that.

As one of the neighbors said, “Evil is all over.” It is  And here’s your PSA.  Craigslist ads for delightful conversation are not for delightful conversation.  They might get you killed, too.

Article and photo credit: CNN

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