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Monday, December 9, 2013

Bears Among Us (or at least Floridians) Florida Bear Attacks Woman in Suburban Orlando

A week ago, we posted on a black bear that crashed a toddler’s birthday party in suburban Orlando
  This week, there is a news story out of Orlando about a woman who was walking her dog when a black bear attacked her.  The dog was unhurt. Sounds like the dog didn’t put up a fight and was some sort of lap dog unfit for Florida.

Not cuddly:  a mauling machine
We'll will now admit that our prior mocking of Steven Colbert’s warning about bears may have to be tempered.  At the time, we called it pretentious and said it was a problem affecting areas like Vail and Aspen.  We focused on the more proletarian, and widespread scourge of teeming herds of feral hogs (drunken and apparently sober).  We will now have to temper our mocking.  Bears are a scourge for the wealthy residents of Vail and Aspen, and for residents of Florida.  Floridians beware.

The Orlando Sentinel not only reports that this particular woman was mauled viciously by a bear that wandered out of a wildlife protection area, but goes through a long history of bears wandering out of the same area into Orlando and attacking people as they walk their dogs.  Bears are not considered threatened in Florida.  But they still can’t be hunted, so they have apparently lost their appreciation for the danger of Floridians, who when they see a bear in a group, take cell phone pictures of the bear and wait for wildlife officers to shoot it with a tranquilizer.

In the article, the Sentinel goes over multiple maulings of people walking dogs, who were unhurt.  Seems like people in Orlando’s suburbs need bigger dogs or they need to bring back targeted bear hunts to make sure that bears stay in their habitat and people stay in theirs and no more bears crash toddler birthday parties.

Feral hogs, unrepentant, will continue to search for beer.

Full story, Orlando Sentinel:  http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/os-bear-attack-longwood-20131202,0,3306746.story

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