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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Devil Clowns Among Us: Man in Clown Makeup Dangled Child from Railroad Overpass

Police in Kenosha, Wisconsin were called by a woman who saw a man in clown makeup dragging screaming children into the woods at 2 a.m. Sunday.  Police found a drunk Antonio Brown, wearing clown makeup, among three children who were crying uncontrollably and holding each other. 
Not the clown who hurt the kids.
According to Kenosha News: The children said Brown, their mother’s boyfriend, had come back from a Halloween party in Racine about 1 a.m. and invited them to go for a walk on the train tracks. They had done that a few weeks before and thought it was fun. 

But this time, the 13-year-old child told police, Brown was drunk and was making the two children drink, too. The older child said he was forced to drink so much that he threw up.

The children tried to run away, but Brown caught up with him. The older child said Brown hung him upside down from the 50th Street overpass saying, "If you try that again, I'm going to drop you."

The story gets more harrowing for the children.  Brown forced the kids to climb on top of parked trains, and when the younger ones refused, he pulled them up by the hair.  He later dangled the younger child from the train holding his neck and ankle and threatened to kill him.
Antonio Brown: amateur Halloween clown
Brown is charged with two counts of physical abuse and two counts of second-degree of recklessly endangering safety.  He faces up to 16 years if convicted.  He should get a lot more than that.

Brown, from the account, does not appear to be a professional clown.  He appears to be an amateur Halloween clown who is insane. Professional clowns are likely to take this poorly, much like they took the Mexican Cartel Hit-Clown poorly (story here).

If clowns didn't have such a bad reputation, I'd say this would hurt their reputation.  This will just burnish it.  Kids, don't go in the woods with anyone dressed as a clown, even if he is your mom's boyfriend.  The day he dresses as a clown is a bad day for that walk.
Full story and picture of Brown: http://www.kenoshanews.com/news/police_man_in_clown_makeup_dangled_child_from_railroad_overpass_474031842.html

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