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Friday, October 25, 2013

British School Holds Kick-A-Ginger-Day a Month Early, Same Awful Result

The kids at Wingfield Academy in Rotherham, Yorkshire, England, apparently held an unsanctioned Kick-A-Ginger-Day a month early, on Friday. The Telegraph reports that six red-headed kids were kicked and punched on the way to school to the point that their parents were called and they were removed from school.  The Telegraph points out that it’s not just boys who are on the giving or receiving end:
Kick-A-Ginger-Day Not Funny To This Kid

It is both boys and girls who have been carrying out this bullying and I want action from the school to make sure it does not happen again.”

The father of a 13-year-old girl said his daughter had also come home with bruised legs after being singled out because of her hair colour.

"I think it's disgusting,” he said. “It's very upsetting for my daughter. If I went into school and kicked a kid then I would be arrested.

The Telegraph, a national newspaper, helpfully points out that Several websites devoted to ‘Kick a Ginger Day’ have listed 20 November as the ‘official’ date, leading to concerns there will be further attacks on pupils next month.

This goes back to South Park, and to discrimination against red-heads in general.  It’s B.S.  Unfortunately, satire didn’t take with preteen kids who watch the show who don’t seem to realize that this is the same as attacking someone because of their race and should be treated as such.

The school stated that "The pupils involved in carrying out these acts of violence have been strongly reprimanded and a school-wide warning has gone out that any future acts of violence, carried out in the name of discrimination, or any other reason, will be met with similar strong and decisive action.”

These are 11-16 year old kids we’re talking about.  Hopefully suspensions were doled out for the young kids and more serious punishment for the older ones. This isn’t bullying.  This is pretty close to, or literally is, a hate-crime.

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